Wednesday, August 8, 2018

How to Recover From Greening Out

Whether we like to talk about it or not, we have all probably faced this problem before - smoking too much weed. Personally, I have never experienced “greening out” like some of my friends have before, but that might just be because I’m a big baller when it comes to using cannabis. However, greening out is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it happens to most marijuana users at some point (besides me, like I said earlier). You may have heard that it’s basically impossible to overdose on marijuana, and that is the truth. Cannabis doesn’t send anyone to the hospital or to the grave like other drugs. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s not possible to smoke too much weed. You can in fact have too much cannabis, and the subsequent effects are pretty awful.

That is why there is a name for it. If you have never experienced greening out before, then you want to make sure to keep it that way. However, I wanted to make today’s post about some of the common symptoms of greening out and how you can try to come down from your high in the event that this happens to you. One thing that my friend and I like to do is to take an edible or two, then go ahead and light up a joint and smoke some dry flower. The reason that this is so great is because you get high from the joint almost immediately, and then about 40 minutes afterwards the edible hits you - all of a sudden, you’re on another planet. While this is a super good time, this type of weed consumption can also be a great way to end up greening out. Anyways, sorry for that little rabbit trail. Let’s talk about some of the main symptoms that occur when you’ve had more weed than you can handle.

The first symptom of greening out that you might experience is nausea. When you have too much THC in your system, you may end up with a mildly upset stomach. In more severe causes, you could find yourself vomiting all over the place. This usually happens for users that have taken incredibly high doses of concentrated THC, most likely way too much of it. When you end up getting this high, there is not a whole lot that you can do to make the nausea go away. In most cases, you’re just going to have to lay down and get through it until the symptoms go away.

Maybe you can use that time to reflect on your decisions that led up to this point. If you have ever experienced, or know someone who has experienced, something called scromiting, then you know that it’s not just an urban legend. Scromiting happens in very severe cases of greening out, where the individual begins to violently vomit as well as scream from panic and despair. If this happens to you, you definitely want to head to the hospital (don’t drive yourself though!).

Another common side effect of having too much concentrated THC is dizziness. Now, mild dizziness usually occurs if you’ve had enough weed to get you high, but the type of dizziness I’m referring to is quite different. When you green out, you may experience dizziness that almost paralyzes you, making you unable to get up off the floor. The scientific reason for this is because too much cannabis can raise your heart rate, which increases your blood pressure. If this happens to you, I suggest just trying to sit down and take some deep breaths, as well as have a glass of water or two.

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